Experiment #1
Birth Story
Longing for children,
Unable to conceive,
In an informal fashion,
My parents were relieved.
Arriving three weeks early,
My brother came out first,
I followed closely.
Making me the youngest.
Left alone in intensive care,
Benji was brought home,
And I stayed there,
Unable to roam.
Early Childhood
Moving his feet,
Able to walk,
Still in high spirit,
My feet were locked.
Then came tennis,
My brother is a natural.
I sat and witnessed,
My lacking potential.
Next was school.
Walking in the door,
I was always tearful,
Whereas my brother explored.
I had yet to succeed.
Always second,
While my brother was in the lead.
It was now my turn to be dominant.
Experiment #2
Experiment #3
For my third experiment, I chose to create a podcast series where I interview different sets of twins and people closely related to/people who work closely with twins. My goal was to be able to incorporate my own experiences with being a twin and be a part of a bigger conversation where I look into the thoughts and feelings of other twins. Sometimes when you think you are the only one feeling a certain way it is good to speak to others to find out that they also feel what you feel and you know you are not alone. This experiment allowed me to be very intuitive with my own feelings and personal experiences.