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Writing Process

Throughout the course of the semester, we were asked to conduct three writing experiments on our original piece to explore different genres. For my first experiment, I chose to write a series of poems, to sum up my experiences getting to college as a twin. I really enjoyed exploring the genre of poetry since I had never formally written a poem before. Although I was very happy with the outcome of my first experiment, I wanted to try something more creative for my second. For my second experiment, I created a BuzzFeed/cosmopolitan type quiz about if you should go to the same college as your twin. I did some internal thinking and some online research to identify specific tendencies that reveal if twins suffer from separation anxiety. After concluding that twins do in fact succumb to separation anxiety I started generating questions and answers to turn into a flow chart. Again, not completely satisfied with my second experiment, I then conducted my third and final experiment where I proposed a podcast series where I would interview different sets of twins and talk about my personal implications with being a twin. When I first started thinking about what my final project would consist of, I wanted it to incorporate parts of my work from the first two experiments. Going back to my creative nature, I decided to compile my work into a zine and make it more subjective. A lot of my zine was produced through and also hand-drawn by myself. Through creating this zine, I had the chance to internally analyze parts of my life and connect them to others who experience similar biographies.

© 2021 By Bella Jacobson

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